Monday, January 30, 2012


Seattle gets maybe one good snow a year.  This years was not all that bad, in volume, but it was the hardest one we've had, so far.  The difference with this year is the addition of a baby, who is in a daycare that follows the Seattle Public School closure guide for incliment weather.  We've heard lots and lots of advice about how important it is to maintain routine for your toddler, and that advice was hammered home with Monday as a holiday (MLK), Tuesday late opening and early closure, and Wednesday and Thursday closure. 

We bundled Z up in his new (used) snow suit, and took him out in the snow on Wednesday. Watching him discover it was pretty darned awesome. I love the look of pride on his face when he gets to a standing position!

We tried really hard not to laugh at him, we just laughed NEAR him.

We went for a walk down to our local hot chocolate shop (And yes, we are incredibly lucky to have a HOT CHOCOLATE shop in our neighborhood.  Standing invitiation to anyone that wants to drop over for a cup).  Z had a sippy of milk while we had hot chocolate, and he practiced walking holding Daddy's hand on the way home.

My heart breaks a little bit to see him looking so grown up!

We really did try to keep things "business as usual", but by Thursday afternoon, we were in a bit of trouble.  Naps had gone out the window, and at one point, Z was walking in a circle in the living room, clutching his Sesame Street remote control and sobbing.  Snow had turned to rain and it was absolutely nasty (and bordering on freezing/icy) outside, so we stayed inside, which just wasn't enough variety for him.

On Friday, school was still closed, but both my work and Mark's work reopened with a late start.  I called our previous part time provider and asked if she could take Z for the day, which she was happy to do.  It actually cost me $100 to go to work for 6 hours, but I was just as stir crazy as the boy at that point, I was happy to do it. 

Snow melted away on Saturday, and we're back to our normal Seattle day-to-day.  Two new teeth (molars on top) are on their way in, and Z can gnaw through a banana peel and start eating the banana sideways if I don't do my banana-peeling-and-cutting-duty fast enough for his taste.

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