Tuesday, January 17, 2012


One of the joys of my life as a parent has become bath night. Mark and I did a "Bringing Baby Home" Gottman class before Z was born, and one of the topics was around is there anything about raising your child that either parent feels strongly that they'd like to do. Mark picked baths. For the first bath, our post-partum doula gave Mark the verbal walk through while she kept an eye on things and I took pictures, and he's been the bath point person ever since. I've given a couple when he's been on trips or out for the night, but bath time is Daddy time.

I love hearing the two of them chatting away while I'm doing dishes, or getting the house ready for bed, or whatever the task at hand is. There is a lot of splashing, music and giggles. There is the occasional shriek of glee (mostly from Z, it's more like "HEY" from Mark) when a well timed, well placed squeeze of a bath toy results in a squirt of water on the head.

My husband is an engineer, and a very methodical-minded man. He likes to talk Z through the process. "OK, first you're going to lift your paw so I can wash your arm, then I'm going to wash your other arm, HEY don't steal my glasses! Ok, now I'm going to wash your neck....." Z chats along in response - his language includes a lot of "Da DAAAA!" on a normal day, and bath time has even more.

Watching Mark grow into the role of daddy has been amazing. I have plenty of moments of frustration where I think "why can't you just do things MY WAY?", but we've each had to learn our own way as parents. I love how patient he is with Z, and when he's focused, it's laser focus. I see that same trait in my son - when he's focused on figuring something out, I could set a bomb off underneath him and he would not even hear it, he's completely in the zone.

Everyone says Z is a mix of the two of us, that there are days where he looks more like me, and days where he looks more like Mark (as well as activities where he favors one or the other more), but there are times I look at him next to Mark and it makes my heart ache (in a really good way). Z is the spitting image of his daddy, and it fills me with love for both of them.

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Location:3rd Ave NW,Seattle,United Statesq

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