Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aquarium Trip

Over the Christmas break, we took Zac to the aquarium.  It's small enough that it's easy to see everything, and big enough a two year old can get a good run on, just in time to tire him out for a nap.  He really liked the otters, the seahorses and "Nemo".

Literally, nose to the glass, watching "Nemo"

He was decked out in his Ohio State track suit, a Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa.  When we stopped to get our tickets, the lady at the counter said "OK, two adults and one little buckeye".

We stopped in the gift shop on the way out (cleverly, the most direct way out of the aquarium is through the gift shop.  "Know your audience" - it's the first rule of stand-up, and apparently the first rule of public attractions, too.)  After a fair amount of deliberation, Zac picked out a stuffed spotted baby seal as his new friend to take home.

After lunch, we were driving home, and he started with the questions.

"People make 'dat?", he asked, holding up his seal.

"Yep, a nice Chinese lady made that," Mark told Zac.

"China lady make 'dat?" Zac repeated.

He spent the rest of the afternoon asking about various things in the house - "China lady make 'dat?", "China lady make 'dis?"

Our little sponge continues to soak things in at a rapid pace. I just hope he's not at childcare asking "China lady make 'dat?" at this exact moment.

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